11th Companions

Character/Actor: Amy Pond/Karen Gillan
Character/Actor: Rory Williams/Arthur Darvill
Character/Actor: River Song/Alex Kingston
Character/Actor: Craig Owens/James Corden

^ Gillan's cousin, Caitlin Blackwood, plays a young Amy (as Amelia) in "The Eleventh Hour", "The Big Bang", "Let's Kill Hitler", "The God Complex", and "The Angels Take Manhattan". Unlike the other child actors who have portrayed younger versions of established companions, Blackwood initiated the role of Amelia/Amy and continued to portray her in recurring appearances, finally closing out the character instead of the adult Karen Gillan doing so.
^ A younger Rory is played by Ezekiel Wigglesworth in "Let's Kill Hitler".
^ Earlier incarnations of River (as Melody Pond) are played by Sydney Wade in "The Impossible Astronaut" / "Day of the Moon" and Nina Toussaint-White in "Let's Kill Hitler", with a younger version of the latter regeneration played by Maya Glace-Green in the same episode.
^ River first appears alongside the Tenth Doctor in "Silence in the Library" / "Forest of the Dead", introduced as a companion from his relative future who calls the Doctor to her aid. Progressively younger versions of River subsequently summon the Eleventh Doctor in "The Time of Angels" / "Flesh and Stone" and "The Pandorica Opens" / "The Big Bang", before the future Doctor summons her to his death in "The Impossible Astronaut".
^ River refuses the offer to travel in the TARDIS in "Day of the Moon", but has repeatedly referred to several occasions in the Doctor's future and her past where they have travelled together. She returns as a companion in "A Good Man Goes to War", "Let's Kill Hitler" and "The Wedding of River Song", at various times in her personal timeline, and also appears in "Closing Time", "First Night", "Last Night", and "The Angels Take Manhattan". She agrees to travel with him in the "The Angels Take Manhattan" but not on an on-going basis.
^ Craig first appears in "The Lodger", and acts as the Doctor's companion in the absence of Amy and Rory in "Closing Time".
^ Sophie Downham appears as young Clara in the prequel to "The Bells of Saint John" and "The Name of the Doctor".
^ Coleman first appeared as Oswin Oswald in "Asylum of the Daleks", a character who shares several characteristics with Clara, and who is revealed in "The Name of the Doctor" to be an echo of Clara, created when Clara jumped into the Doctor's time-stream to defeat the Great Intelligence. Clara dies at the conclusion of "The Snowmen", before a third iteration of the character joins the Doctor permanently in "The Bells of Saint John". "The Name of the Doctor" sees Clara enter the Doctor's personal timeline, splintering herself across time and accounting for her earlier appearances.
^ Clara continues traveling with the Doctor following his regeneration in "The Time of the Doctor".
^ River refuses the Doctor's offer to travel with her permanently in "Day of the Moon". She subsequently features as a companion in "A Good Man Goes to War", "Let's Kill Hitler" and "The Wedding of River Song", and also appears in "Closing Time". She later appears in "The Angels Take Manhattan" and "The Name of the Doctor".